
Brewmaster is a collection of scripts used to manage Homebrew on Mac from one unified config file.


Have the path to your YAML config file handy - the installer will want it. It will put it in /usr/local/brewmaster/ on Mac or ~/.linuxbrew/brewmaster/ on Linux, as that directory belongs to Brewmaster.

Then, you should just be able to run ./ and it'll figure itself out.

YAML file format

        - name: cask
          version: 0.53.1
          args: [arg1, arg2]

        - name: wget
          version: latest

        - name: cmake
          version: current

Note that you can specify a specific version which will be brew pined, latest which always installs the latest version available, or current, which brew pins whichever version is available currently.

Right now the manual version specification isn't implemented, so I recommend using current.